Introducing the Ultimate in Elegance

State of the Market

September 25, 2018 – Feredoun Yaghounbtil

State of the Market
State of the Market

Big And Tall - State of the Market

What happens when you take amazing clothing and connect it with customers?
You find a winning combination. This week I spent sometime traveling and visiting
some of my customers and here’s 
what I learned about the current state of the
market. I noticed that most customers that carry br>a large quantity of basics were the ones

that were really seeing their revenue increase. I know a lot of my 
vendors arevery skeptical believing this, but basics are the corner stone of any store,
specially in the formal wear business. We often as retailers forget the
importance of having a healthy assortment of black, navy, charcoal, light grey,
white and some trending colors such as teal, burgundy and indigo.


I am also seeing a trend in the big and tall sizes. A lot of my customers are very successful at converting big and tall size into sales. Most big and tall customers have very few options, when it comes to their clothing needs, offering incredible sales opportunities in this niche category. 

In order to create a big and tall category you must treat the “big and tall" customer with the same attention to detail as you please with your regular size customer group. The big and tall customer can also be very savvy and fashion forward. Remember big and tall customers are willing to pay a premium for big and tall sizes when they need to purchase good quality merchandise.